Dominant 7 Chords (V7)

A dominant seventh chord is a four note chord that starts on the fifth note of a scale. It has a feeling of tension that is resolved by the tonic chord (Roman numeral I).

To build a 7th chord, begin with a major triad.

G Major Triad

The 7th of the chord is a minor 7th away from the root.

Ways to find the minor 7th from a given note:

  • Go down a whole step from the root, then place that note on top.

  • Lower the 7th note of the root’s (G) major scale by a half step (F# to F).

  • Add β€œFa” (the fourth note of your tonic (C) key’s scale - F) to the V (G) chord.

G to F - Interval of a minor 7th

Add the 7th to the major triad to form the dominant 7 chord.

G7 chord in root position

In solfege, Sol, Ti, Re, Fa are the notes in the V7 chord.